Vaccinations Vaccination is a crucial part of wellness for our equine partners. Vaccines are meant to reduce the risk of illness and decrease infectious disease spread.
Deworming Deworming and parasite management are an important piece of your horse’s wellbeing and preventative care.
Dentistry Equine dentistry is an important aspect of your horse’s wellness. Poor dentition can cause a variety of problems, including poor weight gain or maintenance, choke, and bitting or performance issues.
Coggins testing The Coggins Test is a blood test for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). This blood-borne disease has potentially fatal consequences, and can also chronically infect horses, making them permanently infectious to horses around them.
Interstate and international health certificates Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) or ‘Health Certificates’ are documents filled out by your veterinarian following an examination of health.
Lameness Exams Lameness is a generalized term for an abnormal gait in a horse and can occur for a wide variety of reasons.
Radiography Radiographs are an important diagnostic tool for evaluating a variety of skeletal conditions.
Ultrasound Ultrasound is an important tool most frequently used to help evaluate soft tissue structures.
Pre-purchase examinations (PPE) A pre-purchase exam (PPE) is an in-depth examination done on a horse that you are interested in purchasing prior to the sale. These exams can include a variety of tests.
End-of-life and euthanasia care Equine Veterinary Associates is proud to take care of your horses throughout their lifetime, to be a small part of their story, and help them feel their best at every stage of their life.
Emergency Medicine EVA proudly offers emergency services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our practice has a full-time emergency veterinarian on-call at all times.
Gastroscopy Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is an increasingly common condition seen in our equine partners, with estimates upwards of 60-90% of horses being affected by stomach, or gastric ulcers.
Regenerative Therapies – ProStride APS ProStride APS is an autologous blood-derived product used to aid in the treatment of osteoarthritis. For this product, blood is pulled directly from the horse, and then processed and spun through several devices in a centrifuge.
Regenerative Therapies – Restigen Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Restigen Platelet Rich Plasma is a blood-derived product used to aid in the treatment of soft tissue injuries.
Regenerative Therapies – Shockwave Extracorporeal shockwave therapy can be a useful tool for a variety of ailments.
Performance and Sport Horse Medicine Our horses fulfill roles as partners, pets, parts of the family, and also as athletes. Just like human athletes, our performance horses often require...