First Aid Kits
A well-stocked first aid kit can be a saving grace in times of emergency. Here is a brief list of supplies that can be helpful in emergency situations.
- Thermometer
- Standing wrap or cotton roll
- Vet wrap
- Brown gauze or other non-elastic bandage
- Elasticon or other sports medicine-style tape
- Non-stick dressing
- Gauze wrap/conform
- Bandage scissors
- Saline or eyewash solution
- Rubbing alcohol
- Antiseptic solution such as betadine or chlorhexidine
- Sterile lubricant jelly
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Exam gloves
- Hoof pick
- Clean towels
- Duct tape
- Emergency halter and lead rope
Communication is another huge part of dealing with emergencies. The owner’s contact information should be readily available at the horse’s stall. Emergency contacts should also be listed, including:
- Trainer (if applicable)
- Any emergency contact authorized to make medical decisions for your horse
- Veterinarian
- Preferred hospital (if referral is an option for your horse)
If you know you are going to be out of town, consider letting your veterinarian’s office know and make them aware of any contacts who have permission to make medical decisions for your horse while you are gone or otherwise unreachable.